Friday, December 9, 2011

Why I Love Souper Sundays

One of the best habits that materialized in my quest to eat well is making a pot of soup or chili every Sunday year round.  Long ago I realized that one of the greatest contributors of eating junk was the lack of time.  Many times it was impossible to cook a healthy meal when we had to be out the door to make a practice, meeting or game.  In the olden days, these nights consisted of fast food runs or microwaving something out of a box.  Neither choice was inspired by eating a well balanced diet. 
Everyone will tell you that planning is the key but when I first started my quest to eat better, the extra time to meal plan was not always plentiful.  I did however start a ritual to make a pot of soup or chili each week and make sure we have some great bread on hand.   We can have it for a meal, take it for lunch and count on it in a pinch for a quick dinner later on in the week if required.  If a second meal is not needed, it freezes very well.  Believe me, unlike canned soup which does not inspire me to freeze the left over portions, my homemade creations are something I never think twice about saving for a rainy day.

The best benefit of all is it’s typically a healthy choice and something easy to get used to having around the house.  Unused portions are typically frozen in single serving quart size freezer bags.  They freeze flat and even and take up very little space.  The amazing thing is that pulling a bag of soup out of the freezer later allows me to mix up my lunches which never disappoint.

Now that I have established this wonderful habit, I can’t imagine ever being happy with merely opening a can of soup.  Sure, I’ll use canned soup from time to time in a recipe but straight out of the can and onto the dinner table is a thing of the past.  Many of my creations are inspired with the vegetables in season at the time.  If it’s cauliflower, I google a recipe for cauliflower soup.  Tomatoes have inspired an unmatched roasted tomato soup.  I alternate, chowders, clear broth, cream, cold and hot soups all year long.

The benefits are tenfold.  We always have food in a pinch in just minutes. We are eating healthy and always expanding our repertoire of Sunday creations.  Soup is a great dinner, a wonderful complement to a sandwich or salad. and a fantastic meal starter.  It has replaced fast food and less healthier meal options in our lives and it's one habit that I can’t imagine life without.     

Saturday, November 26, 2011

What are you Gifting?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.  We decorate our houses and turn our attention to reaching out and loving others.  Charities thrive, retailers depend on it and for most of us we get to feel connected with our universe of friends for a short glimpse of time. 

Some of us have shopped all year long and enjoy the month without skipping a beat.  For others, it is a bit stressful with the outpouring of cash that accompanies the extra parties, food drives, gift exchanges, Salvation Army buckets, and usual gift giving.  It’s time to think back.  I challenge you to think back on two or three of your favorite Christmas seasons of the past.  What do you remember?  Why were they memorable? 

Most likely you will remember something special you did that year, the people and the events that surrounded Christmas.  For me it’s a lot about the memories that are created with a magical theme of Christmas Eve and all the excitement preparing for the annual Christmas Eve get together. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Reflections on Black Friday

It’s that time again when we are bombarded with Black Friday deals and the stores entice us all to “buy into” the season of giving.  Although Black Friday does offer fantastic deals to those who get there first, it is disappointing that the deals started at .  This just leads people away from family gatherings to camp out even earlier to get the deals.  At some point you have to decide if it’s worth it to you. 

For me the fun of Black Friday is gone.  Don't get me wrong.  No one loves a deal more than me but nothing compares to spending time with those you love.  Thanksgiving should not be rushed.  It will be interesting to see how Americans react to the new shift of Black Friday strategies.  For me……I’ll take my chances that a deal can be had at a later date. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Importance of Gratitude

I have a gratitude journal that I write in everyday.  I find that it keeps me grounded and focused on the positive.  No matter how grim a day may be, there are always glimpses of the day I can smile about. My goal is to write down 5 things I am either thankful for or find happiness in each and every day.  Over the year I do give myself permission to repeat a few.  Especially on days that are particularly rough.   The journal can be as detailed or as general as I see fit each particular day.  I look forward journaling every evening before bed. 

Many people make it a habit of taking the month of November to reflect on something they are thankful for.  With all the talk of the economy which is constantly bombarding us, it is a great time to turn around our focus to what we have instead of what we have not.  I decided to share a list of 30 reasons I am thankful or grateful.  Perhaps you will find enjoyment and peace starting your own gratitude journal. 

  1. For a comfy bed with covers to keep me warm at night.
  2. $10 off days at the grocery store
  3. For the love of cooking
  4. My education
  5. Outdoor fire pits
  6. Local stores that sell spices in bulk
  7. For a car that is reliable
  8. Beautiful skies
  9. For discovering wonderful second hand stores
  10. The St. Louis Zoo
  11. Healthy eyes
  12. Healthy ears
  13. Antibiotics
  14. The Internet
  15. Creative talents
  16. Music
  17. Perennial plants
  18. A fantastic family
  19. Wonderful parks and hiking trails
  20. The United States Post Office (Snail Mail!)
  21. The library
  22. Being able to help others on an ongoing basis
  23. Clean dishes
  24. My overall health
  25. Soccer, Wrestling, Tennis, Volleyball, Baseball, Skating, Softball
  26. School Spirit
  27. Having a great place to go to work.
  28. Craft supplies at hand
  29. The ability to sew
  30. Being surrounded by great people

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Library

I have always been one to use the library but really more on a sporadic basis than regularly.  Any time I went to look at the movies, I was less than inspired to pick one up and bring one home.  At the same time, we don’t usually go to the theatre to see the new releases so I do not always keep up with the current movies.  Of course, this was the same for the top selling books.  As usual, people do not change their habits overnight but the fact that our local movie store, which we had an online subscription, closed forced me to make a change.  Not really wanting to drive to return movies or exchange them at the next nearest location, I started wondering if I could be happy renting movies online, from a kiosk or from the library.

My preferred choice was the library since movies could be checked out for 7 days as opposed to 24 hours and the price was right.   It just so happened that the Oscars were on TV so I started with that bit of information.  The next day, I did a search on the Oscar winners and compiled a list of movies for my wish list. 

Wordle: Library99

I logged into the library and did a search on these movies only to find that they did not have most of them.  What I did find out was that there is a section on the website called upcoming DVD’s which are DVD’s on order and how many they will receive.  I quickly found about three fourths of the movies on my list and requested them on line.  To put things in perspective, I may be the 500-700th person in a queue for these movies but many times the library was receiving 80-120 copies. 

At the same time,

Friday, July 29, 2011

Garage Sale Happiness

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Last year I salivated when a family member added a Cuisinart food processor to her kitchen.  Just looking at the video on it (yes, there is a video) would make anyone envious.  Oh the wonderful delicacies that would be coming out of her kitchen.  That video caught my attention and made me dream about the one day I would be able to justify a similar purchase.  I gave it 24 hours, well maybe 48 or 72 and then I decided that I was just caught up in the moment and I really could do without it in the short term.  In reality, I just needed a chopper/slicer contraption since my previous chopper bit the dust about 4 months earlier.  What I really wanted was to make my kitchen slicing and dicing more efficient.  To my benefit, Black Friday was just around the corner so I scoured the papers and found a great mini chopper and slicer offered for a mere $22 dollars with a $10 rebate.  It doesn’t get much better than that so I made sure I was up early to get this gem.  My life improved immediately after this purchase and in my own little way I felt I had it all (and I blocked that Cuisinart video out of my memory).  I managed to love what I had even if it meant it wasn’t a contraption that did everything imaginable while holding large amounts of delicious creations its bowl eliminating the step of emptying the container and starting over to finish a job. 

I have reflected on how content I was and have managed to be after the purchase of my own little food processor purchase.  Nothing extravagant but it managed to help me create many of wonderful dishes.  The only thing was that it would not julienne carrots so I started a quest of what I needed to accomplish this.  A mandolin they say.  Of course I immediately put it on a wish list and for mother’s day, I was the proud owner of a mandolin that was sure to make my life even better.

Fast forward……….Three months later,

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gas prices are killing me……or are they?

There is definitely an upside to gas prices.  They have reached a point where one thinks before hopping in the car for any one trip.  Some people carpool, some decide not to take vacations as far away or as often.  Many trips are delayed and combined with another planned trip.  We may decide to stop on our way home from work at a store that is in the route instead of making a special trip.  Our household has started encouraging the use of bikes on a regular basis or walking to places close by.  These ideas were not part of our everyday vocabulary before rise in gas prices.  Upside number 1 is we have learned to be greener due to our awareness of how dependent we are on our gas guzzling cars.

I am a walker and have been for years.  I regularly take 3 to 5 mile walks with our dog Sammy.  Rarely, however, did I walk out of necessity.  It was for my health and to get Sammy out of our house which always makes for a better dog.  With gas prices, I started to rethink this.  Can I find common ground in getting in my exercise and running errands and sometimes take the dog as well to satisfy that requirement?  The answer is YES! 

Of course there are times that having a dog with you can be a problem.  Like going to the store for an item or the library without someone to wait outside with the dog for a minute or two.  After a little thought, I learned to be creative.  Is anyone in the family going that way for anything else?  I grab the dog, hop in the car and get dropped off.   I return my books, grab the ones waiting on the shelf for me, grab the dog from the car and walk home.  My family goes on their merry way and I have saved the earth and walked 3 extra miles in the process. (and on a new route that keeps things interesting)  If my car needs an oil change, I just drop off the car and walk home.  When done, I walk back and pick it up.  All of a sudden I am ashamed to think of all the times I felt like I had to have a car.   We are fortunate enough to live within 1-3 miles of a fair number of grocery and department stores as well as the post office.   This is truly a gift that should not be overlooked!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cabinet Inspiration

We have all been there.  There’s nothing in the house to eat either healthy or not healthy.  A trip to the grocery store is way over due and the family is grumbling.  The truth is that you don’t feel like shopping.  True, things look pretty grim around here but upon taking a second glance I find some treasures.  Marshmallows never used that were bought for a chocolate fondue.   Rice Krispies cereal that someone thought they wanted and then promptly decided it was not for them now just sits in the cabinet and probably will be for another year.  Wahlah!  What do I need for rice krispie treats?  These two ingredients plus butter.  I have it!  And thus we have some great junk food on hand totally unplanned for the week.  We are happy campers. 

After this revelation, I am reminded that we are out of wheat bread and it is critical to get to the store before the week starts because a day without wheat bread is a day without sunshine to some in my household.  Wait a minute…….Hold on……..I remember that I have wheat flour in the basement.  It’s something I bought a while back when I was totally inspired to make some wheat pita.  I know I bought everything I needed way back when but when was that?  Is it expired?  Can it still be used?  My objective isn’t to kill us all off.  To my delight, I find I am within the limits of the “its’safe to eat” status and I decide to play Martha Stewart for the day.  Oh, how fun it is this to be able to whip up a batch of wheat pita.  Wow!  Why didn’t I do this before?  It is totally simple and something I will do again especially since I have all the ingredients that are not used in any of my other recipes that I know of.  The recipe can be found on this blog and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. Wheat Pita recipe

I’m out of time but I am sure to look for and report future occurrences of cabinet inspiration.  This I am sure because it’s like winning the lottery and we all know what a rush that can be.  I am thankful for the perception that our cupboard was bare.

It's Time that Wii Begin

We received a Wii a few years back and for the most part, the kids used it.  Every once in a while there would be a family competition but I always viewed it as another robber of time.  That is until………we purchased the Wii Fit with the balance board.  It seemed like a great Christmas present.  After all, there is nothing like the approaching New Year to motivate oneself into stepping out and trying something new. 

The kids went wild with the games.  I decided to check out the yoga, strength and aerobic section.  I made my Mii and vowed to do the body check everyday.  Basically, this charts your weight and BMI.  You can also do some coordination exercises to see how fit you are in years.  As a beginner, I did it all but eventually opted to weigh and end the process to save time. 

So here I was, ready to dive into a daily routine of the unknown.  A decision was made to take it slow and to be truthful it is very slow at first when one is watching tutorials.  I scheduled an hour a day and had no preconceived ideas of where this would take me.  Doing something everyday was more than doing nothing. 

I watched video’s with zest and then executed the moves with my Wii Fit personal trainer.  Next I would be scored on my performance.  I worked on improving my score every day.  Eventually, I got discouraged with how much time it was taking to get through the moves.  This is when I decided to make my own routines.  (this eliminated getting scored after each exercise). Beginning routines consisted of 1 row of yoga, and strength exercises for a week and then adding on 1 or 2 in each category every week thereafter to make a change.  I also dabbled in some fun aerobic games randomly.

The result…..Slow and steady does win the race.  I found I really enjoyed yoga and felt like I was taking care of myself.  Fitness experts will tell you to mix aerobics with strength training.  The Wii enlightened me on what strength training really was.  I didn’t need to join a gym and the best part is that I was moving in ways I would have never done on my own. 

To my surprise the best part of the Wii was that, although a machine, it recognized how many days I was working out, what kind of activities as well as calories burned and noted these milestones.  I found this rewarding and validating on my journey to change.  If I missed a day or two doing the body test, it reminded me of how long it had been and encouraged me to stick with it.  Is it for everyone?  No, but it was a perfect start for me in an effort to change my lifestyle.

  • The Wii is utilized by my family in a wide variety of ways
  • Tutorials on everything
  • I moved in ways I would not have without it
  • I felt like I was taking care of myself
  • I felt the emphasis was on mind and body and not spot exercising
  • A great beginner tool – Motivating interaction with positive reinforcement
  • I felt more energy and more motivated to make changes
  • I didn’t feel alone in the process
  • No need to spend money on a gym and driving to it.
  • Activity outside the Wii can be tracked.
  • It tracks weight and activity and graphs it for you over time. 

  • Not for a hard core exerciser who is used to expending a large amount of energy in a short amount of time.
  • Some may not have the patience to stick with this if they want results fast.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Some call it a diet, I call it a lifestyle change.  I have always rebelled saying I was on a diet.  Diets are something people are “on” or “off" thus implying the quest is complete when you are off.  I knew I was overweight and didn’t have energy.  I didn’t find joy in shopping for clothes, taking pictures and didn’t have a lot of energy or confidence.

I utilized,  a free site to log my food, exercise and dietary goals.  Wow, what a revelation to log my activity and what I ate.  Yes, I walked the dog sometimes but I had gotten away from it regularly.  My diet was filled with processed foods, very few fruits and vegetables and I can’t even say I got my daily dose of dairy or calcium.  No wonder why I was in the state of needing change.  My bad habits weren’t just one day, they repeated themselves over and over. 

I love, however, It’s only as good as you make it.  It is private and failure to be truthful is really just failing to wake up and smell the coffee.  For me, it was a way to identify what I needed to work on.  You can join multiple groups or just create your own private group.  I have participated at all levels at this website and have found it enlightening and very beneficial. The great thing about it is that everyone on the site has a different style of getting where they want to be.  You can state your goals and ask others to call you on the carpet if your eating habits or activity levels don’t jive with your goals you’ve set or you can ask for no input and do some self reflection. 

After looking at my logs or a week or two, I knew I was delusional about my eating habits and exercise.  The logs didn’t lie and why should they?  I was the only one really looking at them through a microscope.  My journey to change my eating lifestyle officially began.  The best part about this for me was it didn’t cost me a dime but time!

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Enlightenment of a Simple Life

There's nothing like a vacation to help slow down life and do some soul searching.  We regularly take vacations and stay in condos at our destination.  This is one area we splurge on.  Pack a few books, spices, clothes and a journal and I'm set.

It's amazing how comforting an empty condo can be.  The kitchen drawers and cabinets are sparse but for the most part, I have everything I need.  The wall units, dresser drawers and closets are empty except for a few things we brought.  No overflowing cabinets with food, dishes, pans, utensils or medicine cabinets cluttered with who knows what.  In spite of this all, I find peace with just being there.  The condo allows us to live the simple life.  There is no time or room to accumulate a lot of "stuff".  Clutter is picked up quickly and never seems to pile up. 

I return home and see stacks everywhere.  Paper, laundry and the various items I have accumulated over the years sitting in or on desks, dressers, shelves, and closets, not to mention the basement.  In reality, many of these items are long forgotten.  I realize after spending a week on vacation, that although I am not a hoarder, I do have an excess.  It's nice but the truth is, it doesn't add extra joy to my life.

How did this happen?  I do box up items for charity on a regular basis.  The answer is a little bit at a time.  It's time to rethink what I want and what I need.  Vacations are wonderful.  Thanks to our wonderful getaway accommodations, I am enlightened to the possibilities of living a simpler life going forward. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Bride Chicken Curry

This is a recipe from one of my new favorite books, 5 spices, 50 dishes by ruta kahate.  In the last year I have dared to try new recipes that I wouldn't have even thought of before.  This Indian dish is easy to make, delicious, colorful and better the next day.  I served it on a bed of basmati rice, green beans, grapes and some french bread. 

4 Tbsp canola oil
2 medium yellow onions, finely chopped (about 3 cups)
2 tsp finely grated garlic (about 4 large cloves)
1 1/2 tsp cayenne
1/2 tsp ground turmeric
1/4 tsp cumin seeds, finely ground
1 c plus 1 Tbsp hot water, divided
3 medium tomatoes, minced (2 cups)
3 lbs chicken parts (a combination of bone-in thights and drumsticks works well here)
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp sugar

Heat the oil in a large pan over medium-high heat and saute the onions until they turn dark brown.  Mix the garlic, cayenne, turmeric, and cumin with 1 Tbsp of the water to make a thick paste.  Add to the browned onions and saute for 5 minutes.  Add the tomatoes and stir constantly over medium heat until the tomatoes start to break up, about 2 minutes, making sure the mixture doesn't scorch.  

Add the chicken and mix to coat with the spice paste.  Stir over medium heat for 10 minutes.  Add the remaining 1 cup water and the salt and bring to a boil.  Lower the heat and simmer, uncovered, until the chicken  is cooked through, about 30 minutes.  Add the vinegar and sugar, simmer for 1 minute, and then taste.  Adjust the salt, sugar, and vinegar if needed.  This curry should be sweet and sour and spicy-hot.  Serve hot.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The hardest part is getting started.

About 1 1/2 years ago, I decided that I wanted a better quality of life.  I wanted to lose weight, get fit and have energy, and concentrate on the things I thought were important in my life.  I knew this would be a new lifestyle for me.  The one I was living wasn't exactly the one I would desire for others.  I am very thrifty (which will also be a large part of this blog)  so joining a gym or a weight loss program was out of the question.  I needed to do this myself and on my terms if this was going to truly be a lifestyle change. I sat down and thought about it and came up with some very simple ideas to get me started. 

  • Wean myself off of processed foods
  • Start moving even if it meant just 5 minutes more a day.
  • Step out of my box and be open to various types of exercise - I refused to try to spot exercise.  My goal was to get fit overall.  Mind Body and Soul
  • Tracking the cost of of my life style change and the effects on my family
  • Find and utilize resources out there just waiting for me to tap them
  • Utilize the wii fit we just recieved 
  • Graph my weight daily but not to obsess with it.  Losing fast is not the objective.  I have all the time in the world.  A life style change is what I am aiming for.
  • Look at my changes and successes in small pieces, like building blocks over time.  Continually find new blocks to add to my stash.
  • Continue to log expenses but in a more in depth way to get a true baseline on where I am in this category. 
  • Set some goals with rewards which are meaningful and supportive of my new life style
  • Start journaling  (I have several journals going at the same time)
  • Figure out how to add this time into my already daily routine successfully
  • Look at the excess in my life and try to streamline it.  Toss it, give it away and figure out what is truly important.
  • Find joy in the process