Saturday, November 26, 2011

What are you Gifting?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.  We decorate our houses and turn our attention to reaching out and loving others.  Charities thrive, retailers depend on it and for most of us we get to feel connected with our universe of friends for a short glimpse of time. 

Some of us have shopped all year long and enjoy the month without skipping a beat.  For others, it is a bit stressful with the outpouring of cash that accompanies the extra parties, food drives, gift exchanges, Salvation Army buckets, and usual gift giving.  It’s time to think back.  I challenge you to think back on two or three of your favorite Christmas seasons of the past.  What do you remember?  Why were they memorable? 

Most likely you will remember something special you did that year, the people and the events that surrounded Christmas.  For me it’s a lot about the memories that are created with a magical theme of Christmas Eve and all the excitement preparing for the annual Christmas Eve get together. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Reflections on Black Friday

It’s that time again when we are bombarded with Black Friday deals and the stores entice us all to “buy into” the season of giving.  Although Black Friday does offer fantastic deals to those who get there first, it is disappointing that the deals started at .  This just leads people away from family gatherings to camp out even earlier to get the deals.  At some point you have to decide if it’s worth it to you. 

For me the fun of Black Friday is gone.  Don't get me wrong.  No one loves a deal more than me but nothing compares to spending time with those you love.  Thanksgiving should not be rushed.  It will be interesting to see how Americans react to the new shift of Black Friday strategies.  For me……I’ll take my chances that a deal can be had at a later date. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Importance of Gratitude

I have a gratitude journal that I write in everyday.  I find that it keeps me grounded and focused on the positive.  No matter how grim a day may be, there are always glimpses of the day I can smile about. My goal is to write down 5 things I am either thankful for or find happiness in each and every day.  Over the year I do give myself permission to repeat a few.  Especially on days that are particularly rough.   The journal can be as detailed or as general as I see fit each particular day.  I look forward journaling every evening before bed. 

Many people make it a habit of taking the month of November to reflect on something they are thankful for.  With all the talk of the economy which is constantly bombarding us, it is a great time to turn around our focus to what we have instead of what we have not.  I decided to share a list of 30 reasons I am thankful or grateful.  Perhaps you will find enjoyment and peace starting your own gratitude journal. 

  1. For a comfy bed with covers to keep me warm at night.
  2. $10 off days at the grocery store
  3. For the love of cooking
  4. My education
  5. Outdoor fire pits
  6. Local stores that sell spices in bulk
  7. For a car that is reliable
  8. Beautiful skies
  9. For discovering wonderful second hand stores
  10. The St. Louis Zoo
  11. Healthy eyes
  12. Healthy ears
  13. Antibiotics
  14. The Internet
  15. Creative talents
  16. Music
  17. Perennial plants
  18. A fantastic family
  19. Wonderful parks and hiking trails
  20. The United States Post Office (Snail Mail!)
  21. The library
  22. Being able to help others on an ongoing basis
  23. Clean dishes
  24. My overall health
  25. Soccer, Wrestling, Tennis, Volleyball, Baseball, Skating, Softball
  26. School Spirit
  27. Having a great place to go to work.
  28. Craft supplies at hand
  29. The ability to sew
  30. Being surrounded by great people