Saturday, June 18, 2011


Some call it a diet, I call it a lifestyle change.  I have always rebelled saying I was on a diet.  Diets are something people are “on” or “off" thus implying the quest is complete when you are off.  I knew I was overweight and didn’t have energy.  I didn’t find joy in shopping for clothes, taking pictures and didn’t have a lot of energy or confidence.

I utilized,  a free site to log my food, exercise and dietary goals.  Wow, what a revelation to log my activity and what I ate.  Yes, I walked the dog sometimes but I had gotten away from it regularly.  My diet was filled with processed foods, very few fruits and vegetables and I can’t even say I got my daily dose of dairy or calcium.  No wonder why I was in the state of needing change.  My bad habits weren’t just one day, they repeated themselves over and over. 

I love, however, It’s only as good as you make it.  It is private and failure to be truthful is really just failing to wake up and smell the coffee.  For me, it was a way to identify what I needed to work on.  You can join multiple groups or just create your own private group.  I have participated at all levels at this website and have found it enlightening and very beneficial. The great thing about it is that everyone on the site has a different style of getting where they want to be.  You can state your goals and ask others to call you on the carpet if your eating habits or activity levels don’t jive with your goals you’ve set or you can ask for no input and do some self reflection. 

After looking at my logs or a week or two, I knew I was delusional about my eating habits and exercise.  The logs didn’t lie and why should they?  I was the only one really looking at them through a microscope.  My journey to change my eating lifestyle officially began.  The best part about this for me was it didn’t cost me a dime but time!


  1. Love your blog, Dottie! You inspire me to look at my own life and see what it is I'm yearning to do! All is possible. From the photos of your menus (YUM) to good "food for thought" ideas... I'm with you on your journey ;-)

  2. Thanks Jeanette. If there is anything special you would like to read about, just let me know. Until then I will continue to aspire to inspire!
