Thursday, April 12, 2012

Menu Planning and Goals Made Simple

Over the years I have tried various ways to menu plan.  I have scheduled a month, two weeks or a week at a time.  Finally, I came up with a system that is quick and doable.  In addition, I have included main goals on my menu plan to keep them up front and center in my mind. 

Sundays are the days I fill this plan out.  I look at our families activities for the week and enter them on my menu.  This gives me a birds eye view of how much time I’ll have to cook, for who, and if we will have time to dine together.  I love this system.  The menu is posted each week on the fridge and everyone has a clear understanding of what food is available if we have conflicting schedules. 

I work off a list daily, however, adding important goals for the week on my menu plan encourages me not to forget to do items I may put off until last or perhaps not find time for at all.  In my case, exercise goals.  My husband like the idea so much he asked to have his goals added to the weekly plan as well.  (Priceless)

To make sure all the activities are not lost in print, I color code each person’s scheduled events.  Check out a copy here.

This method is very simple.  Since we have a very busy family with  an ever changing calendar, one week works best for us.  If I have a lot of leftovers, I can adjust the next weeks menu to include variations of previous dishes if need be.  If your family commitments are more routine, a two week schedule may work for you.  Now that I have used this method for three months, I can’t imagine living without it.  This menu planning has simplified our lives.  Meals are easy now and believe it or not, we are working out more in our house and getting more done now than we have in a long time!


  1. I am just learning google docs and realized that it won't let me save my document with form boxes like my examples. I added underlines instead. Once I get better I can give links with nicer files. Until then......I apologize for the less than stellar example. Sometimes, the show must go on.

  2. Dot
    I really like having short term goals for the day, along with menu planning. So gratifying to cross things off the list. The key is making the goals do able! Thanks-
